With the realization of Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) and Fermi degeneracy of neutral atoms, the researchers have brought revolutionary advances to the field of traditional atomic, molecular and optical (AMO)physics. Techniques such as Feshbach resonance and optical lattice are used to study the interactions between atoms and molecules.
The effective control over the interaction strength and potential energy enables the ultracold atomic and molecular systems to be widely applied in the precision measurement, quantum information processing and ultracold quantum chemistry.
The ultracold atomic and molecular platform has gradually divides into theoretical and experimental fields during the past few year's developments. For the theoretical direction, we mainly focused on the theoretical analyses or simulation of novel physical phenomena of controlled spin-orbit coupling, light-matter interaction in confined spaces (such as BEC, Fermi gas or Boson-Fermion mixture in a cavity, optical lattice, etc.) , synthetic topological states of matter and molecular dynamics. etc.
On the other hand, we have four main directions in the experiments, the ultracold atomic and polar molecules, the Rydberg atoms and molecules, the precision spectroscopy, and the supersonic molecular beam. The experimental groups aim at to prepare exotic quantum matter, to investigate the atomic (strong correlationship) or molecular interactions (long-range dipole-dipole interactions) and to precisely measure the fundamental physical constants as well as the field strengths with high accuracy.
This research area contains the following groups:
l Ultracold atomic and molecular group
l Ultracold Polar Molecules Group
l Rydberg Atom and molecules Group
l Supersonic molecular beam Group