Floquet gauge anomaly inflow and fractional charge in driven TI/NI heterostructures
发布时间:2023-04-12 浏览:

报告题目:Floquet gauge anomaly inflow and fractional charge in driven TI/NI heterostructures

报告人:   潘义明助理教授(上海科技大学物质学院)

报告时间:2023年 4月12日(星期三)上午10:00-11:00



In this talk, I will explore the concept of "quantum anomaly" in quantum field theory, and demonstrate an example of its manifestation in periodically driven systems using photonic lattice simulations. When coupling in a background gauge field, topological zero modes typically give rise to an anomalous current at the interface, resulting in a zero-mode anomaly inflow that is conserved by contributions from the topological bulk. However, the anomaly inflow mechanism for guiding Floquet steady states is not well understood in periodically-driven systems. To address this gap, we have synthesized a driven topological/normal insulator heterostructure and proposed a Floquet gauge anomaly inflow associated with the occurrence of arbitrary fractional charge. Our photonic modeling has experimentally observed a Floquet gauge anomaly as the system was driven into anomalous topological phases. These findings could open up new avenues for exploring Floquet gauge anomalies in driven systems of condensed matter, photonics, and ultracold atoms.


潘义明(Yiming Pan),上海科技大学物质学院助理教授和独立PI。2016年在南京大学获得理论物理学博士学位;2016-2023年间在特拉维夫大学、威兹曼研究所和以色列理工大学从事博士后研究。研究方向主要包括拓扑光子学(topological photonics)、时变介质((time varying media),量子弱测量(weak measurement),以及自由电子激光调控(free-electron and laser interactions)等。潘义明在多个高影响力期刊上发表论文,其中包括1篇Nat. Phys.、4篇PRL、2篇Nat. Commun.、3篇Adv. Mater.、1篇Light Sci. & Appl.以及2篇Laser & Photon. Rev.。