Explore non-ergodicity with strongly interacting Rydberg atom gases
发布时间:2023-08-23 浏览:

报告题目:Explore non-ergodicity with strongly interacting Rydberg 

                 atom gases

报 告 人:李伟斌 副教授(英国诺丁汉大学)




Rydberg atoms provide a testbed to probe emergent exotic many-body phases and non-ergodic dynamics where the strong Rydberg atom interaction competes and even overtakes dissipative effects in thermal gases. Here we study a non-ergodic phase transition in driven-dissipative Rydberg atomic gases. We provide experimental evidence of a transition from ergodic towards ergodic breaking dynamics by exploiting the strong Rydberg interaction. The broken ergodicity is featured by long-time phase oscillations, whose frequency is much smaller than the spontaneous, collisional or other related decay rates. Our theory investigation shows that the ergodicity breaking dynamics originates from the formation of spatial clusters of Rydberg atoms. Though atoms can be excited to Rydberg states individually, their excitation dynamics are synchronized through Rydberg atom interactions, leading to a collective, single frequency oscillation. This study shows that thermal Rydberg atom gases are promising to study ergodicity breaking dynamics of many-body systems.


李伟斌,诺丁汉大学物理与天文学院副教授,博士导师。主要从事里德堡原子物理和量子光学、和量子计算等的研究,在Science,Nature,Phys. Rev. X,和Phys. Rev. Lett.等国际刊物上发表90余篇论文。主持承担欧盟、英国等多项科研项目。2010年获得欧盟玛丽-居里学者,2013年获得诺丁汉高等研究学者资助。担任Science,Phys.Rev.Lett.,Phys. Rev. X等学术杂志审稿人,兼任Scientific Reports的editorial board member和 Frontiers in Physics的associate editor。