Next Generation Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (NG-QTAIM) for Ultra-fast Laser-Driven  Processes
发布时间:2024-10-21 浏览:

报告题目:Next Generation Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules(NG-QTAIM) 

                    for Ultra-fast Laser-Driven  Processes

报  告 人:Samantha Jenkins (湖南师范大学)

报告时间:2024年10月21日 (星期一)下午15:00-16:00



     We discuss a variety of recent ultra-fast applications analysed using Next Generation Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (NG-QTAIM) for both molecules and the solid state. This is undertaken using pairs of left- and right-linearily or circularly or elliptically polarized laser pulses on femtosecond or faster time-scales. The carrier-envelope phase (CEP) angle ϕ is varied to learn more about learn more about the relationship ρ(r)→  y(r).


  Figure 1: Left. The ethane C1-C2 BCP Hessian of ρ(r) eigenvector-following trajectories TF(s) for the right-handed, clockwise (CW[+1]) and left-handed, counter-clockwise (CCW[-1]) circularly polarized laser pulses of duration 10 femtoseconds for the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) angle ϕ = 0.0° corresponding to the electric field E = 200.0 x 10-4 a.u., see the main text for further explanation. The start and end of each TF(s) are denoted by balls and cubes respectively and are surrounded by an ellipse.

  Inset. The corresponding variation of the ethane C1-C2 BCP ellipticity ε, notice the position of the green arrow on the x-axis.

  Right. The corresponding ethane C1-C2 BCP TF(s) for the CEP angle ϕ = 180.0°. Notice the changed position of the black ellipse relative to the left figure. Inset. The corresponding variation of the ethane C1-C2 BCP ellipticity ε, notice that the green arrow on the x-axis has moved leftwards relative to that of the left inset.


     Samantha Jenkins is a full time Professor of Chemical Physics since 2010 at Hunan Normal University (湖南师范大学全职教授). She originated vector-based next generation QTAIM (NG-QTAIM), the subject of her book (Springer Nature lecture series), published in J.A.C.S, WiRES, Chemical Society Reviews, Chemical Reviews (in production) and has a track record of National Funding in Sweden and China. She is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a recipient of the Hunan International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, Chinese Government Friendship Award (中国政府友谊奖) in 2021, 2013 respectively.