Self-induced transparency in room-temperature dense Rydberg gase
发布时间:2019-12-25 浏览:

报告题目Self-induced transparency in room-temperature dense Rydberg gase





In this talk, I will report our recent work on self-induced transparency (SIT) in room-temperature dense Rydberg gases. We show the creation of strong dispersive optical nonlinearities of nanosecond laser pulses in high number density atomic gases at room temperature. This is examined in a vapor cell setting where the laser light resonantly excites atoms to Rydberg P states through a single-photon transition. Using fast Rabi flopping and strong Rydberg atom interactions, both in the order of GHz, can overcome the Doppler effect as well as dephasing due to thermal collisions between Rydberg electrons and surrounding atoms. In this strong-driving regime both the light intensity and Rydberg interactions contribute to the generation of the optical nonlinearity. We show the emergence of a modied self-induced transparency where the stable light propagation relies on the Rydberg interactions. We identify quantitatively that the SIT occurs at smaller (than 2π) pulse areas for higher Rydberg states. We furthermore demonstrate that a conditional optical phase gate can be implemented by harvesting strong Rydberg atom interactions and SIT. Our study paves a route to explore nonlinear optics in Rydberg gases from low to room temperature, and contributes to current efforts in developing quantum information and communication devices with glass cell technologies.


白正阳,2017年于华东师范大学精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室获博士学位。2018年-至今在英国诺丁汉大学从事博士后研究。近年来对超冷里德堡原子与光相互作用的非线性光学效应及其非平衡量子多体动力学、光与量子信息的存储与读取、超颖材料中光脉冲的传播与操控开展了较为系统的理论研究工作。目前,已在包括Optica, Physical Review A, Optical Express 等国际权威期刊上发表SCI 论文16 篇,他引100 余次。