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       1982年山西大学物理系本科毕业,1989年获山西大学光学专业硕士学位,1994年获华东师范大学光学专业博士学位。1995-1996年法国国家科学中心激光物理实验室访问学者,从事激光光谱方面的研究工作。2005年1月至4月,法国国家科学中心Aime Cotton实验室访问学者,进行超冷原子分子研究。先后赴美国马里兰大学、耶鲁大学和康州大学进行学术访问和合作研究。1994年任山西大学电子系主任,1997年聘任山西大学教授,1998年任山西大学教务处处长,2000年任山西大学副校长,2010年任中北大学校长,2012年8月至2018年9月任山西大学校长。


  办公地址: 激光光谱研究所

  电子邮箱: tjia@sxu.edu.cn

       贾锁堂教授长期从事激光光谱、非线性光学以及量子信息研究,在国内率先建设了超冷分子实验平台,在超冷同核分子制备、异核分子制备及精密光谱测量上取得了显著进展。主持与领导的研究团队开展了超冷里德堡原子、单分子物理、新型光声光谱、高灵敏光谱应用等方面的科学研究,取得了许多有特色的研究成果。先后主持国家重大科学研究计划项目、“973”前期预研项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等国家级科研项目19项,省部级项目30余项。在Nature Physics、Nature Communications、Physical Review Letters等国内外顶级刊物上发表一区论文36篇。获山西省科学技术一等奖4项、山西省科学技术二等奖2项。获国家发明专利80余项。


103. Observation of frustrated chiral dynamics in an interacting triangular flux ladder, Yuqing Li, Huiying Du, Yunfei Wang, Junjun Liang, Liantuan Xiao, Wei Yi*, JieMa*, Suotang Jia, Nature Communications (2023) 14,7560

102. Machine learning assisted vector atomic magnetometry, Xin Meng, Youwei Zhang, Xichang Zhang, Shenchao Jin, Tingran Wang,Liang Jiang, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, Yanhong Xiao*, Nature Communications (2023) 14,7560

101. Topological Atomic Spin Wave Lattices by Dissipative Couplings, Dongdong Hao, Lin Wang, Xingda Lu, Xuzhen Cao, Suotang Jia, Ying Hu*, Yanhong Xiao*, Physical Review Letters(2023)130, 153602

100. Testing universality of Feynman-Tan relation in interacting Bose gases using high-order Bragg spectra, Yunfei Wang, Huiying Du, Yuqing Li*, Feng Mei, Ying Hu, Liantuan Xiao, JieMa*, Suotang Jia, Light: Science & Applications (2023) 12,50

99. Fractional Quantum Zeno Effect Emerging from Non-Hermitian Physics, Yue Sun, Tao Shi* , Zhiyong Liu, Zhidong Zhang , Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, Ying Hu*, Physical Review X (2023)13, 031009

98. The role of surface charges in the blinking mechanisms and quantum-confined Stark effect of single colloidal quantum dots, Jialu Li, Dengfeng Wang, Guofeng Zhang*, Changgang Yang,Wenli Guo, Xue Han, Xiuqing Bai, Ruiyun Chen,Chengbing Qin, Jianyong Hu, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, Nano Research(2022)15(8), 7655-7661

97. Rydberg atom-based AM receiver with a weak continuous frequency carrier, Huaqiang Li, Jinlian Hu, Jingxu Bai, Meng Shi, Yuechun Jiao*, Jianming Zhao*,  Suotang Jia, Optics Express(2022)30(8),13522

96. Role of Aspect Ratio in the Photoluminescence of Single CdSe/CdS Dot-in-Rods, Xiuqing Bai, Huiyu Li, Yonggang Peng, Guofeng Zhang* ,Changgang Yang, Wenli Guo, Xue Han,Jialu Li, Ruiyun Chen, Chengbing Qin, Jianyong Hu, Gaoling Yang, Haizheng Zhong, Liantuan Xiao*,  Suotang Jia, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C(2022)126,2699-2707

95. Atom-optically synthetic gauge fields for a noninteracting Bose gas, Yuqing Li, Jiahui Zhang, Yunfei Wang, Huiying Du, Jizhou Wu, Wenliang Liu, Feng Mei*, Jie Ma*, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, Light:Science & Applications(2022)11,13

94. 3D Hinge Transport in Acoustic Higher-Order Topological Insulators, Qiang Wei, Xuewei Zhang, Weiyin Deng, Jiuyang Lu, Xueqin Huang, Mou Yan, Gang Chen*, Zhengyou Liu* , Suotang Jia, Physical Review Letters (2021)127, 255501

93. Criteria for Assessing the Interlayer Coupling of van der Waals Heterostructures Using Ultrafast Pum-Probe Photoluminescence Spectroscopy, Shuangping Han, Xilong Liang, Chengbing Qin,* Yan Gao, Yunrui Song, Shen Wang, Xingliang Su,Guofeng Zhang, Ruiyun Chen, Jianyong Hu, Mingyong Jing, Liantuan Xiao* , Suotang Jia, ACS Nano (2021)15,12966-127974

92. Coherent Interference Fringes of Two-Photon Photoluminescence in Individual Au Nanoparticles: The Critical Role of the Intermediate State, Yao Li , Yonggang Yang , Chengbing Qin* ,Yunrui Song, Shuangping Han, Guofeng Zhang ,Ruiyun Chen, Jianyong Hu, Liantuan Xiao* , Suotang Jia, Physical Review Letters (2021)127, 073902

91. Higher-order topological semimetal in acoustic crystals, Qiang Wei, Xuewei Zhang, Weiyin Deng, Jiuyang Lu , Xueqin Huang, Mou Yan,Gang Chen *, Zhengyou Liu* , Suotang Jia, Nature materials (2021)20,812–817

90. Visualizing Quantum Coherence Based on Single-Molecule Coherent Modulation MicroscopyHaitao Zhou, Chengbing Qin*, Shuangping Han, Lei Zhang, Ruiyun Chen, Guofeng Zhang,Yaoming Liu, Zhifang Wu*, Sijin Li*, Liantuan Xiao*, and Suotang Jia,Nano Letters(2021) 21, 1477-1483

89. Photoluminescence Blinking and Biexciton Auger Recombination in Single Colloidal Quantum Dots with Sharp and Smooth Core/Shell Interfaces, Wenli Guo,Jialun Tang, Guofeng Zhang*, Bin Li, Changgang Yang, Ruiyun Chen, Chengbing Qin,Jianyong Hu, Haizheng Zhong, Liantuan Xiao*, and Suotang Jia, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2021) 12, 405-412

88. Gate controllable optical spin current generation in zigzag graphene nanoribbon, Liwen Zhang, Jun Chen*, Lei Zhang*, Fuming Xu, Liantuan Xiao ,Suotang Jia, Carbon (2021) 173, 565-571

87. Digital quantum simulation of Floquet topological phases with a solid-state quantum simulator, Bing Chen*, Shuo Li, Xianfei Hou,1 Feifei Ge, Feifei Zhou, Peng Qian, Feng Mei*,Suotang Jia,Nanyang Xu,and Heng Shen*,Photonics Research (2021) 9(1),81-87

86. Atomic superheterodyne receiver based on microwave-dressed Rydberg spectroscopy, Mingyong Jing, Ying Hu, Jie Ma, Hao Zhang, Linjie Zhang*, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia,Nature Physics(2020) 16 ,911–915

85. Retrodiction beyond the Heisenberg uncertainty relation, Han Bao, Shenchao Jin, Junlei Duan, Suotang Jia , Klaus Mølmer*, Heng Shen*,Yanhong Xiao*, Nature Communications(2020) 11,5658

84. Digital Simulation of Topological Matter on Programmable Quantum Processors, Feng Mei*, Qihao Guo, Ya-Fei Yu, Liantuan Xiao,Shi-Liang Zhu* , and Suotang Jia, Physical Review Letters (2020) 125, 160503

83. Giant magnetoresistance and dual spin filtering effect in ferromagnetic 6,6,12/c-graphyne zigzag nanoribbon lateral heterojunction, Liwen Zhang, Yaqing Yang, Jun Chen,Xiaohong Zheng *, Lei Zhang *, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics(2020) 22,18548—18555

82. Microwave coherent control of ultracold ground-state molecules formed by short-range photoassociation, Zhonghua Ji*,Ting Gong, Yonglin He, Jeremy M. Hutson, Yanting Zhao * ,Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2020)22,13002

81. Hyperfine structure of the NaCs b3Π2 state near the dissociation limit 3S1/2 + 6P3/2 observed with ultracold atomic photoassociation, Xiaofeng Wang, Wenliang Liu,Yuqing Li, Jizhou Wu*, Vladimir B. Sovkov, Jie Ma*, Sofiia Onishchenko,Peng Li, Yongming Fu, Dan Li, Qunchao Fan, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2020) 22, 3809-3816

80. Synthetic spin–orbit coupling and topological polaritons in Janeys–Cummings lattices, Feng-Lei Gu, Jia Liu, Feng Mei*, Suotang Jia, Dan-Wei Zhang and Zheng-Yuan Xue*,npj Quantum Information (2019) 5,36

79. Direct Observation of Topology from Single-Photon Dynamics, Yao Wang, Yong-Heng Lu, Feng Mei* ,Jun Gao,Zhan-Ming Li, Hao Tang,Shi-Liang Zhu, Suotang Jia, and Xian-Min Jin*,Physical Review Letters (2019) 122, 193903

78. Accurate Investigation on the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer between Single Organic Molecules and Monolayer WSe2 by Quantum Coherent Modulation-Enhanced Single-Molecule Imaging Microscopy, Haitao Zhou, Chengbing Qin* ,Ruiyun Chen, Wenjin Zhou, Guofeng Zhang, Yan Gao,Liantuan Xiao* ,and Suotang Jia, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019) 10,2849-2856

77. Quantum Coherent Modulation-Enhanced Single-Molecule Imaging Microscopy, Haitao Zhou,Chengbing Qin,* Ruiyun Chen, Yaoming Liu,Wenjin Zhou,Guofeng Zhang, Yan GaoLiantuan Xiao*,andSuotang Jia, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019) 10,223-228

76. Gate-tunable large spin polarization in a few-layer black phosphorus-based spintronic device, Liwen Zhang, Jun Chen, Xiaohong Zheng, Bin Wang *,Lei Zhang*, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia, Nanoscale (2019) 11, 11872-11878

75. In situ manipulation of fluorescence resonance energy transfer between quantum dots and monolayer graphene oxide by laser irradiation, Wenjun He, Chengbing Qin* , Zhixing Qiao,Yani Gong,Xiaorong Zhang,Guofeng Zhang,Ruiyun Chen,Yan Gao, Liantuan Xiao*,and Suotang Jia, Nanoscale (2019), 11, 1236-1244

74. Robust micropatterns on graphene oxide films based on the modification of fluorescence lifetime for multimode optical recording, Zhixing Qiao, Chengbing Qin*, Wenjun He, Yani Gong, Bin Li,Guofeng Zhang, Ruiyun Chen, Yan Gao , Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, Carbon(2019) 142,224-229

73. Excitons and Biexciton Dynamics in Single CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots, Bin Li, He Huang,Guofeng Zhang*, Changgang Yang,Wenli Guo, Ruiyun Chen,Chengbing Qin,Yan Gao, Vasudevan P. Biju,Andrey L. Rogach,Liantuan Xiao*, and Suotang Jia, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2018) 9, 6934-6940

72. Observation of Singlet Oxygen with Single-Molecule Photosensitization by Time-Dependent Photon Statistics, Yao Li, Ruiyun Chen, Haitao Zhou, Ying Shi, Chengbing Qin, Yajun Gao, Guofeng Zhang,Yan Gao, Liantuan Xiao,* and Suotang Jia, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2018) 9, 5207-5212

71. A novel electrically controllable volatile memory device based on few-layer black phosphorus, Liwen Zhang, Zhizhou Yu, Lei Zhang*, Xiaohong Zheng*, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia and Jian Wang, Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2018) 6,2460

70. Laser-driven propulsion of multilayer graphene oxide flakes, Chengbing Qin*, Zhixing Qiao, Wenjun He, Yani Gong, Guofeng Zhang,Ruiyun Chen, Yan Gao, Liantuan Xiao* , Suotang Jia, Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2018) 6,2329

69. Beat frequency quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy for fast and calibration-free continuous trace-gas monitoring ,Hongpeng Wu, Lei Dong*, Huadan Zheng, Yajun Yu, Weiguang Ma, Lei Zhang, Wangbao Yin,Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, Fran k. Tittel,Nature Communications(2017) 8,15331

68. Symmetry-Protected Topological States for Interacting Fermions in Alkaline-Earth-Like Atoms ,Xiaofan Zhou, Jian-Song Pan,Zheng-Xin Liu*, Wei Zhang*, Wei Yi*, Gang Chen* and Suotang Jia,Physical Review Letters(2017) 119, 185701

67. Atom-Based Radio-Frequency Field Calibration and Polarization Measurement Using Cesium nDJ Floquet States ,Yuechun Jiao, Liping Hao,Xiaoxuan Han,Suying Bai,Georg Raithel*,Jianming Zhao* and Suotang Jia,Physical Review Applied(2017) 8, 014028

66. Experimental study of discrete diffraction behavior in a coherent atomic system ,Jinpeng Yuan, Yihong Li, Shaohua Li, Changyong Li,Lirong Wang*, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia,Laser Physics Letters (2017) 14, 125206

65. Manipulation of photo association of ultra cold Cs atoms with tunable scattering length by external magnetic fields ,Guosheng Feng, Yuqing Li, Xiaofeng Wang, Jizhou Wu, Vladimir B. Sovkov ,Jie Ma* ,Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia,Scientific Reports(2017) 7,13677

64. Ultracold collisions of mixed atoms in optical dipole trap loaded from a dark magnetooptical trap ,Yanting Zhao,Ting Gong,Zhonghao Li,Zhonghua Ji*, Xiang Zhang,Liantuan Xiao andSuotang Jia,Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics(2017) 50,195202

63. Reduction of characteristic RL time for fast, efficient magnetic levitation .Yuqing Li, Guosheng Feng, Xiaofeng Wang, Jizhou Wu, Jie Ma,* Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia,AIP Advances(2017) 7(9),095016

62. Quantum mixed phases of a two-dimensional polarized degenerate Fermi gas in an optical cavity ,Yanlin Feng, Kuang Zhang, Jingtao Fan, Feng Mei*, Gang Chen* & Suotang Jia,Scientific Reports(2017) 7,10568

61. Interaction-induced exotic vortex states in an optical lattice clock with spin-orbit coupling ,Xiaofan Zhou, Jian-Song Pan, Wei Yi, Gang Chen* and Suotang Jia,Physical Review A (2017) 96,023627

60. Experimental determination of rotational constants of low-lying vibrational levels in the 0?g pure long-range state of ultracold Cs2 molecule ,Jizhou Wu, Wenliang Liu, Yuqing Li, Jie Ma*, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia,Journal of  Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer (2017) 191,13–18

59. Superfluid–Mott-insulator quantum phase transition of light in a two-mode cavity array with ultrastrong coupling ,Jingtao Fan,Yuanwei Zhang,Lirong Wang,Feng Mei*,Gang Chen*,and Suotang Jia,Physical Review A (2017) 95(3), 033842(9)

58. Experimental quantum secure direct communication with single photons ,Jianyong Hu, Bo Yu, Mingyong Jing, Liantuan Xiao,Suotang Jia, Guoqing Qin and Guilu Long,Light: Science & Applications (2016) 5, e16144

57. Using experimental measurements of three-level avoided crossings to determine the quantum defect for the Stark map of highly excited cesium Rydberg atoms ,Limei Wang,Changyong Li,Hao Zhang,Linjie Zhang,Yonggang Yang,Yuan Man, Jianming Zhao,* and Suotang Jia,Physical Review A (2016) 93,033416(9)

56. Spectroscopy of cesium Rydberg atoms in strong radio-frequency fields ,Yuechun Jiao,Xiaoxuan Han,Zhiwei Yang,Jingkui Li,Georg Raithel, Jianming Zhao*,and Suotang Jia,Physical Review A (2016) 94, 023832(7)

55. Observation and analysis of the hyperfine structure of near-dissociation levels of the NaCs c3?+ state below the dissociation limit 3S1/2 + 6P3/2 ,Wenliang Liu,Jizhou Wu,Jie Ma*, Peng Li,Vladimir B. Sovkov*, Liantuan Xiao,and Suotang Jia,Physical Review A (2016) 94,032518(10)

54. Polarization spectra of Zeeman sublevels in Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency ,Shanxia Bao,Hao Zhang,Jian Zhou,Linjie Zhang*,Jianming Zhao, Liantuan Xiao,andSuotang Jia,Physical Review A (2016) 94, 043822(6)

53. Experimental study ofthe(4)0- short-range electronicstate of the 85Rb133Cs molecule by high resolution photoassociation spectroscopy ,YantingZhao*, JinpengYuan, ZhonghuaJi, ChuanliangLi,Zhonghao Li,LiantuanXiao , SuotangJia,Journal of QuantitativeSpectroscopy & Radiative Transfer(2016) 184,8–13

52. The power stability of a fiber amplifier based on a multifunction card and PID control program ,Linjie Zhang, Wenguang Yang, Hao Zhang, JianMing Zhao* and Suotang Jia,Laser Physics(2016)26065001(4)

51. Phase-factor-dependent symmetries and quantum phases in a three-level cavity QED system ,Jingtao Fan, Lixian Yu, Gang Chen* Suotang Jia,Scientific Reports(2016) 6,25192(15)

50. Observing and tuning the density distribution of localized states of monolayer  graphene oxide by using external electric field.Yan Gao, Chengbing Qin, Zhixing Qiao, Baotian Wang, Weidong Li,Guofeng Zhang,Ruiyun Chen,  Liantuan Xiao*, and Suotang Jia,Applied Physics Letters  106,131103(5(2015)

49. Control of laser-induced frequency shift in ultracold cesium molecules by an external magnetic field.Yuqing Li, Guosheng Feng, Wenliang Liu, Jizhou Wu, Jie Ma*, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia,Optics Letters (2015) 40(10), 2241-2244

48. Magnetic levitation for effective loading of cold cesium atoms in a crossed dipole trap.Yuqing Li, GuoshengFeng, Rundong Xu,Xiaofeng Wang, Jizhou Wu, Gang Chen, Xingcan Dai, Jie Ma*, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia,Physical ReviewA 91, 053604 (2015)

47. Investigation on ultracold RbCs molecules in (2)0+ long-range state below the Rb(5S1/ 2) + Cs(6P1/ 2) asymptote by high resolution photoassociation spectroscopy.Jinpeng Yuan,Zhonghua Ji,Zhonghao Li,Yanting Zhao*, Liantuan Xiao,and Suotang Jia,The Journal of chemical physics  143,044311(5) (2015)

46. Atom-interferometric measurement of Stark level splittings.Limei Wang,Hao Zhang,Linjie Zhang,Georg Raithel,Jianming Zhao*,and Suotang Jia,Physical Review A  92,033619(5)(2015)

45. The determination of potential energy curve and dipole moment of the (5)0+ electronic state of 85Rb133Cs molecule by high resolution photoassociation spectroscopy.Jinpeng Yuan,Yanting Zhao*, Zhonghua Ji,Zhonghao Li,Jin-Tae Kim*,Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia,The Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 224312(7) (2015)
44. Autler-Townes spectroscopy with interaction-induced dephasing.Hao Zhang,Linjie Zhang,Limei Wang,Shanxia Bao,Jianming Zhao*,Suotang Jia and Georg Raithel,Physical  Review A  90, 043849 (5)(2014)

43. Electric  field induced fluorescence hysteresis  of single  molecules in poly   (methyl methacrylate).Haitao Zhou,Chengbing Qin*,Ruiyun Chen,Guofeng Zhang,Liantuan Xiao*,andSuotang Jia,Applied Physics Letters 105,153301(5)(2014)

42. Accurate determination of the rotational constants of ultracold molecules using double photoassociation spectroscopy.Jie Ma*,Yuqing Li,Wenliang Liu,Peng Chen,Guosheng Feng,Chenyang Hu,Jizhou Wu*,Liantuan Xiao,and Suotang Jia,Optics Express  22(4),3754-3760,(2014)

41. New observation and combined analysis of the Cs2 0g ? , 0u+ and 1g states at the asymptotes 6S1/2+6P1/2 and 6S1/2+6P3/2.Jie Ma*,Wenliang Liu,Jinxin Yang,Jizhou Wu,Weiguo Sun,Valery Ivanov,Alexei S. Skublov,Vladimir Sovkov,Xingcan Dai and Suotang Jia,The Journal of Chemical  Physics  141(24),244310(8)(2014)

40. Continuous-wave cavity ringdown spectroscopy based on the control of cavity reflection. Zhixin Li, Weiguang Ma, Xiaofang Fu, Wei Tan, Gang Zhao, Lei Dong, Lei Zhang, Wangbao Yin, and Suotang Jia ,Optics ExpressVol.21, No.15, 17961,(2013)

39. Line Shape Analysis of Ultracold Heteronuclear Molecular Photoassociation Spectroscopy by Resonance-Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization. Jinpeng Yuan, Zhonghua Ji, Yanting Zhao, Yan Yang, Yonggang Yang, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82 084301 (2013)

38. Spin-orbit-induced bound state and molecular signature of the degenerate Fermi gas in a narrow Feshbach resonance. Kuang Zhang, Gang Chen, and Suotang Jia.Phys.Rev.A 88, 013611 (2013)

37. Direct measurement of DBR fiber laser linewidth based on the sidebands’ interference. Bo Yu, Bo He, Yan Liu, Xiaobo Wang, Guofeng Zhang, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia. Laser. Phys. Lett. 10 (2013) 075007

36. Optimization Investigations of Continuous Wave Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy. Zhixin Li, Weiguang Ma, Xiaofang Fu, Wei Tan, Gang Zhao, Lei Dong, Lei Zhang, Wangbao Yin, and Suotang Jia. Appl. Phys. Express 6 (2013) 072402

35. Autler-Townes splitting of a cascade system in ultracold cesium Rydberg atoms. Hao Zhang, Limei Wang, Jie Chen, Shanxia Bao, Linjie Zhang, Jianming Zhao, and Suotang Jia. Phys.Rev.A 87, 033835 (2013)

34. Experimental observation of the lowest levels in the photoassociation spectroscopy of the 0-g purely-long-range state of Cs2. Yichi Zhang, Jie Ma, Jizhou Wu, Lirong Wang, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia. Phys.Rev.A 87, 030503(R) (2013)

33. Stark-induced L-mixing interferences in ultracold cesium Rydberg atoms. Hao Zhang, Limei Wang, Linjie Zhang, Changyong Li, Liantuan Xiao, Jianming Zhao, and Suotang Jia,Patrick Cheinet, Daniel Comparat, and Pierre Pillet. Phys.Rev.A 87, 033405 (2013)

32. Finite-temperature Dicke phase transition of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity. Yuanwei Zhang, Jinling Lian, J.-Q. Liang, Gang Chen, Chuanwei Zhang, and Suotang Jia. Phys.Rev.A 87, 013616 (2013)

31. Analytical solutions for the Rabi model. Phys.Rev.A 86, 015803 (2012)

30. Single molecules probe the polarization dynamics of poly (methyl methacrylate) in external electric field.Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 203118 (2012)

29. Photoassociative formation of ultracold RbCs molecules in the (2)3∏ state. Phys. Rev. A 85, 013401 (2012)

28. Numerically Calculated Stark Structures of Cesium Rydberg Atom and Experimental Observation in an Ultracold Gas. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 044302 (2012)

27. High Sensitivity Measurement and Accurate Analysis of the Vibrational Spectroscopy Near the (6S1/2+6P3/2) Dissociation limit for 1g State of Cs2. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 044301 (2012)

26. Analytical ground state for the Jaynes-Cummings model with ultrastrong coupling. Phys. Rev.A 83, 065802 (2011)

25. High sensitive determination of laser-induced frequency shifts of ultracold cesium molecules. Optics letters.  Vol. 36, No. 11 (2011)

24. Collisional loss of cesium Rydberg atoms in a magneto-optical trap. Phys. Rev.A 83, 042711 (2011)

23. Light-shift-induced quantum phase transitions of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity. Phys. Rev.A 83, 033601 (2011)

22. Development of an Apparatus for On-Line Analysis of Unburned Carbon in Fly Ash Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Applied Spectroscopy 65,790 (2011)

21. Single-molecule interfacial electron transfer dynamics manipulated by an external electric current. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 13815-13820  DOI: 10.1039/C1CP20857H

20. Collisional cross-sections measurement of ultracold caesium Rydberg states. Europhysics Letters, 92,13002 (2010)

19. Strong nonlinear coupling between an ultracold atomic ensemble and a nanomechanical oscillator. Optics Express,Vol. 18, No. 22, 23016 (2010)

18. Determination of the rotational constant of the Cs2 0g- (6s + 6p3/2) state by trap loss spectroscopy. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 16, 17089 (2010)

17. Qubit-induced high-order nonlinear interaction of the polar molecules in a stripline cavity. Phys. Rev. A 82, 013601 (2010)

16. Evolution of the pairs of ultracold Rydberg atoms in the repulsive potential. Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 11, 11599 (2010)

15. Single molecules reorientation reveals the dynamics of polymer glasses surface. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., DOI: 10.1039/b917686a(2010)

14. Interaction-induced Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model in a Bose-Einstein condensate inside an optical cavity. Optics ExpressVol. 17, No. 22, 19682-19690 (2009)

13. Optimum conditions for producing Cs2 molecular condensates by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage.Physics Review A 80, 043620 (2009)

12. Design of a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System for On-Line Quality Analysis of Pulverized Coal in Power Plants. Applied Spectroscopy ,Vol. 63, No. 8, 865-872(2009)

11. High sensitivity spectroscopy of cesium Rydberg atoms using electromagnetically induced transparency. Optics Express  Vol. 17, No. 18, 15821(2009)

10. Arbitrarily copropagating superluminal and slow light by controllable one-photon detuning in trapped cold atoms.OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 16, 4747 (2008)

9. Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Determination of the Organic Oxygen Content in Anthracite Coal Under Atmospheric Conditions. Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 62, 458(2008)

8. Nonlinear coherent spectroscopy in a degenerate two-level atomicensemble for a transition Fg??→Fe??. Optik, 119,  185 (2008)

7. Fast Recognise Single Molecules Based on Single Event Photon Statistics. Phys. Rev. A, 76, 063820 (2007)

6. Absolute frequency stabilization of a diode laser to cesium atom-molecular hyperfine transitions via modulating molecules. Applied Physics Letters 91, 161101(2007)

5. High-sensitivity, large dynamic range, auto-calibration methane optical sensor using a short confocal Fabry–Perot cavity. Sensors and Actuators B 127,350 (2007)

4. A novel control system for automatically  locking a diode laser frequency to a selected gas absorption line. Meas. Sci. Technol. 18,  1447(2007)

3. Single event photon statistics characterization of a single photon source in an imperfect detection system. Journal of Luminescence, 124, 286(2007)

2. Tunable and frequency-stabilized diode laser using temperature-dependent energy pooling fluorescence. Applied Physics Letters, 88, 231104(2006)

1. Signal-to-noise ratio improvement of photon counting using wavelength modulation spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters 89,061102 (2006)