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发布时间:2018-05-11 浏览:
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  博士,硕士和博士生导师。2006年7月毕业于山西师范大学物理与信息工程学院 物理学专业,获学士学位。2012年7月毕业于山西大学量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室激光光谱研究所 光学专业,获理学博士学位。2013.9-2014.9在英国杜伦大学(Durham University)物理系联合量子中心(JQC)Simon.L.Cornish研究组做博士后。



办公地址: 光电大楼 530室

电子邮箱: jzh@sxu.edu.cn

办公电话: 0351-7113828


 3. 超冷极性分子新型非弹性碰撞的损耗机制与外场调控,国家自然科学基金面上项目

  2. 光学偶极阱中超冷极性分子的动力学,山西省科技厅应用基础研究计划项目


30. Lijin Wu, Zhonghua Ji*, Weixin Ma, Dianqiang Su, Yanting Zhao*, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, Narrow laser linewidth measurement with the optimal demodulated Lorentzian spectrum, Appl. Opt., 63, 1847 (2024)

29. Ziwei Wang, Ziang Li, Xuhui Bai, Ting Gong, Zhonghua Ji*, Yanting Zhao, Gaoren Wang*,Analyzing the photoassociation spectrum of ultracold 85Rb 133Cs molecule in (3)3Σ+ stateJ. Chem. Phys., 160, 114313 (2024)

28. Fangda Wang, Weixin Ma, Feng Mei, Zhonghua Ji*, Dianqiang Su, Yanting Zhao, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, Simple, low-cost, and well-performing optical phase-locked loop for frequency and phase locking of semiconductor lasers, Appl. Opt., 62, 7169 (2023)

27. Jinzhu Jiang, Jia-Hui Zhang, Feng Mei*, Zhonghua Ji*(共同通讯), Ying Hu, Jie Ma, Liantuan Xiao* and Suotang Jia, “Topological phases of ultracold molecules in an optical tweezer ladder”, Phys. Rev. A, 106, 023318 (2022)

26. Zhonghua Ji*(一作,共同通讯),Yuechun Jiao, Yongmei Xue, Liping Hao, Jianming Zhao* and Suotang Jia,Distinction of electromagnetically induced transparency and Autler-Towners splitting in a Rydberg-involved ladder-type cold atom system,Opt. Express, 29, 11406 (2021)

25. Ting Gong, Zhonghua Ji (共同一作),Jiaqi Du, Yanting Zhao, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia, Microwave-assisted coherent control of ultracold polar molecules in a ladder-type configuration of rotational states, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 4271 (2021)

24. Ting Gong, Zhonghua Ji, Jiaqi Du, Yanting Zhao, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia, Measurement of the permanent electric dipole moment of ultracold ground state 85Rb133Cs molecules by microwave coherent spectroscopy, Opt. Express, 29, 1558 (2021)

23. Zhonghua Ji* (一作,共同通讯), Ting Gong, Yanting Zhao*, Chuanliang Li, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, Resonance enhanced two-photon ionization spectrum of ultracold 85Rb133Cs molecules in (2)1←X1+ transitions, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 34, 107215 (2020)

22. Zhonghua Ji*(一作,共同通讯), Ting Gong, Yonglin He, Jeremy M. Hutson, Yanting Zhao*, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia, Microwave coherent control of ultracold ground-state molecules formed by short-range photoassociation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 13002 (2020)

21. Yuting Liu, Ting Gong, Zhonghua Ji*(共同通讯), Gaoren Wang, Yanting Zhao†, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, Production of ultracold 85Rb133Cs molecules in the lowest ground state via the B 1Π1 short-range state, Journal of chemical physics, 151, 084303 (2019) .

20. Chenhao Wang, Zhonghua Ji*(共同通讯), Ting Gong, Dianqiang Su, Yanting Zhao†, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, A simple, low cost and robust method for measurement of the zero-crossing temperature of an ultralow expansion cavity, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52, 455104 (2019).

19. Dianqiang Su, Ting Gong, Zhonghua Ji, Yanting Zhao*, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia, Extensive high-resolution photoassociation spectra and perturbation analysis of the 2(0−) long-range state of ultracold RbCs molecules, Phys. Rev. A, 99, 042513 (2019).

18. Transition Dipole Moment Measurements of Ultracold Photoassociated 85Rb133Cs Molecules by Depletion Spectroscopy, Juan-Juan Cao, Ting Gong, Zhong-Hao Li, Zhong-Hua Ji*(通讯), Yan-Ting Zhao, Lian-Tuan Xiao, Suo-Tang Jia, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 35, 10, 103301(2018)

17. Candidates for direct laser cooling of diatomic molecules with the simplest 1-1 electronic system Chuanliang Li,* Yachao Li, Zhonghua Ji, Xuanbing Qiu, Yunzhong Lai, Jilin Wei, Yanting Zhao,†Lunhua Deng, Yangqin Chen, and Jinjun Liu,‡ PHYSICAL REVIEW A 97, 062501 (2018)

16. A dynamical process of optically trapped singlet ground state 85Rb133Cs molecules producedvia short-range photoassociation, Zhonghao Li, Ting Gong, Zhonghua Ji, Yanting Zhao*, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 4893(2018)

15. Microwave spectroscopy measurement of ultracold ground state molecules produced via short-range photoassociation, ZHONGHAO LI, ZHONGHUA JI, TING GONG, JUANJUAN CAO, YANTING ZHAO*, LIANTUAN XIAO, AND SUOTANG JIA , OPTICS EXPRESS 26, 3, 2341( 2018)

14. Pump–probe and Four-wave Mixing Spectra Arising from Recoil-induced Resonance in an Operating Cesium Magneto-Optical Trap, Zhonghua Ji(一作), Hongshan Zhang, Dianqiang Su, Yanting Zhao*, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87, 024301 (2018)

13. Rotational Population Measurement of Ultracold 85Rb133Cs Molecules in the Lowest Vibrational Ground State, Zhong-Hua Ji(一作), Zhong-Hao Li, Ting Gong, Yan-Ting Zhao*, Lian-Tuan Xiao, Suo-Tang Jia,Chin. Phys. Lett. 34, 103301 (2017)

12. Ultracold collisions of mixed atoms in optical dipole trap loaded from a dark magneto-optical trap, Yanting Zhao, Ting Gong, Zhonghao Li, Zhonghua Ji*(通讯), Xiang Zhang, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia,J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 195202 (2017)

11. Photoassociation spectra of ultracold 85Rb2 molecule in 0u+ long range state near the 5S1/2 + 5P1/2 asymptote, Guodong Zhao, Dianqiang Su, Zhonghua Ji*(通讯), Tengfei Meng,Yanting Zhao, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia, Chin. Phys. B, 26, 083301 (2017)

10. “The determination of potential energy curve and dipole moment of the (5)0+ electronic state of 85Rb133Cs molecule by high resolution photoassociation spectroscopy”, Jinpeng Yuan, Yanting Zhao*, Zhonghua Ji, Zhonghao Li, Jin-Tae Kim, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224312 (2015)

9. “Photoionization spectrum of 85RbCs molecules produced by short range photoassociation”, Zhonghua Ji(一作), Jinpeng Yuan, Yonggang Yang, Yanting Zhao, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 166, 36 (2015)

8. “Investigation on ultracold RbCs molecules in (2)0+ long-range state below the Rb(5S1/2) + Cs(6P1/2) asymptote by high resolution photoassociation spectroscopy”, Jinpeng Yuan, Zhonghua Ji, Zhonghao Li, Yanting Zhao*, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 044311 (2015)

7. “Systematically investigating the polarization gradient cooling in an optical molasses of ultracold cesium atoms”, Ji Zhong-Hua(一作), Yuan Jin-Peng, Zhao Yan-Ting, Chang Xue-Fang, Xiao Lian-Tuan and Jia Suo-Tang, Chin. Phys. B 23, 113702 (2014)

6. “Creation of Ultracold 87Rb133Cs Molecules in the Rovibrational Ground State”, Peter K. Molony, Philip D. Gregory, Zhonghua Ji, Bo Lu, Michael P. Koeppinger, C. Ruth Le Sueur, Caroline L. Blackley, Jeremy M. Hutson, and Simon L. Cornish*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 255301 (2014).

5. “Measurement of Energy Level Shift of Ultracold Cesium Atoms by Raman Pump–Probe Spectroscopy”, Zhonghua Jia(一作), Yanting Zhao*, Jie Ma, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 104301 (2012)

4.“Photoassociative formation of ultracold RbCs molecules in the (2)3Π state”, Zhonghua Jia(一作), Hongshan Zhang, Jizhou Wu, Jinpeng Yuan, Yonggang Yang, Yanting Zhao*, Jie Ma, Lirong Wang, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia, Phys. Rev. A 85, 013401 (2012)

3. “Photoassociative Production and Detection of Ultracold Polar RbCs Molecules ”, Ji Zhonghua(一作), Zhang Hongshan, Wu Jizhou, Yuan Jinpeng, Zhao Yanting*, Ma Jie, Wang Lirong, Xiao Liantuan,Jia Suotang, Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 083701 (2011)

2. “Investigation of cold collision in a Rb–Cs magneto-optical trap”, Zhong-Hua Jia(一作), Ji-Zhou Wu, Hong-Shan Zhang, Teng-Fei Meng, Jie Ma, Li-Rong Wang, Yan-Ting Zhao*, Lian-Tuan Xiao and Suo-Tang Jia, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 025202 (2011)

1. “Ionization Detection of Ultracold Ground State Cesium Molecules”, Ji Zhong-Hua(一作),Wu Ji-Zhou, Ma Jie, Feng Zhi-Gang, Zhang Lin-Jie,Zhao Yan-Ting*, Wang Li-Rong, Xiao Lian-Tuan, Jia Suo-Tang, Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 053701(2010)

My full papers on Researchgate      




2015 期刊:New Journal of Physics,专刊:New Frontiers of Cold Mlecules Research

2013 期刊:Molecular Physics,专刊:Manipulating Molecules via EM Fields: A Festschrift for Bretislav Friedrich

2012 期刊:Chemical Reviews,专刊:Ultracold Molecules

2011期刊:Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,专刊:Physics and chemistry of cold molecules

2009 期刊:New Journal of Physics,专刊:Cold and Ultracold Molecules

2009 期刊:Faraday Discussions,专刊:Cold and Ultracold Molecules

2004 期刊:The European Physical Journal D,专刊:Ultracold Polar Molecules: Formation and Collisions


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3. 第三章 量子力学导论 (20170406)part one:                                                                                        2114485051.ppt                                                                                          part two:                                                                                        2115154152.ppt                                                                                                                                  
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5. 第五章 多电子原子:泡利原理                                                                                        2210250048.ppt                                                                                          ,补充:分子结构与能级                                                                                        2215501406.pdf                                                                                                                                  
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7. 第七章 原子核物理概论                                                                                        1642580692.ppt                                                                                                                                  
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