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发布时间:2024-06-24 浏览:



简历:本科毕业于南京大学,博士毕业于美国范德堡大学。先后在香港浸会大学非线性科学中心、北京大学量子材料科学中心、奥地利因斯布鲁克量子光学与量子信息研究所Peter Zoller教授组从事博士后研究。2017年加入激光光谱研究所。


办公地址: 激光光谱研究所305

电子邮箱: huying@sxu.edu.cn

办公电话: 0351-7113890




1. Chenhao Wang, Nan Li, Jin Xie, Cong Ding, Zhonghua Ji, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, Bo Yan, Ying Hu* and Yanting Zhao*, Exceptional Nexus in Bose Einstein Condensates with Collective Dissipation, Physical Review Letters 132, 253401 (2024)

2. Yue Sun, Tao Shi*, Zhiyong Liu, Zhidong Zhang, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, and Ying Hu*, Fractional Quantum Zeno Effect Emerging from Non-Hermitian Physics, Physical Review X 13, 031009 (2023)

3. Dongdong Hao, Lin Wang, Xingda Lu, Xuzhen Cao, Suotang Jia, Ying Hu*, and Yanhong Xiao*, Topological Atomic Spin Wave Lattices by Dissipative Couplings, Physical Review Letters 130, 153602 (2023)

4. Yunfei Wang, Jia-Hui Zhang, Yuqing Li*, Jizhou Wu, Wenliang Liu, Feng Mei*, Ying Hu*, Liantuan Xiao,  Jie Ma*, Cheng Chin , and Suotang Jia, Observation of Interaction-Induced Mobility Edge in an Atomic Aubry-Andre  Wire, Physical Review Letters 129, 103401 (2022)

5. Mingyong Jing#, Ying Hu#Jie Ma, Hao Zhang, Linjie Zhang*, Liantuan Xiao* and Suotang Jia, Atomic superheterodyne receiver based on microwave-dressed Rydberg spectroscopy, Nature Physics 16, 911 (2020).

6. Oliver Kaestle , Yue Sun, Ying Hu, and Alexander Carmele, Memory-critical dynamical buildup of phonon-dressed Majorana fermions, Physical Review B 102, 245115 (2020).

7. Xingze Qiu, Tian- Shu Deng, Ying Hu*, Peng Xue*, Wei Yi*, Fixed Points and Dynamic Topological Phenomena in a Parity-Time-Symmetric Quantum Quench,iScience 20, 392 (2019)

8. Jan Carl Budich, Ying Hu and Peter Zoller, Helical Floquet Channels in Helical Floquet Channels in 1D Lattices, Physical Review Letters118.105302 (2017).

9. Xingran Xu, Ying Hu, Zhidong Zhang, and Zhaoxin Liang, Spinor Polariton Condensates   under Nonresonant Pumping: Steady States and Elementary Excitations, Physical Review B96, 144511 (2017).

10. Ying Hu, Peter Zoller, and Jan Carl Budich, Dynamical Buildup of a Quantized Hall Response from Nontopological States, Physical Review Letters 117, 126803 (2016).

11. Ying Hu, Zi Cai, M. A. Baranov, and Peter Zoller, Majorana Fermions in Noisy Kitaev Wires,Physical Review B 92, 165118 (2015).

12. Ying Hu and M. A. Baranov, Effects of Gapless Bosonic Fluctuations on Majorana Fermions in Atomic Wire Coupled to a Molecular Reservoir, Physical Review A 92, 053615(2015).