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邮箱: meifeng@sxu.edu.cn


      国家高层次青年人才、山西省杰青、山西省高等学校青年学术带头人、《Chip》青年编委。2012. 06,华南师范大学和新加坡国立大学联合培养博士;2012. 08月-2015. 08,美国加州大学莫塞德分校、新加坡国立大学,南京大学博士后;2015. 09-2017. 04,中山大学副研究员;2017.05, 山西大学激光光谱研究所教授。

     主要从事量子物理研究。以第一或通信作者发表论文50余篇,包括:Physical Review Letters 5篇、 Light: Science & Applications 2篇。其中,2篇论文被 《Phys. Rev. Lett.》 期刊编辑同时选为Editors’Suggestion和Featured in Physics; 2篇论文被美国物理学会网站《Phys. Org》撰文报道;1篇论文被美国光学学会选为Spotlight on Optics亮点论文; 1篇论文被《Light Sci. Appl.》期刊编辑选为封面报道。







       国家重点研发计划项目,       2022-2027,基于相互作用超冷原子动量晶格物态调控

       国家自然科学基金重点项目, 2021-2025,超冷分子量子比特的制备和调控

       国际地区合作与交流项目,    2021-2024,非厄密光学系统的量子与非线性关联研究

代表性论文: (*通信作者)

1. Jia-Hui Zhang, Feng Mei*, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia,
Dynamical Detection of Topological Spectral Density,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 036603 (2024).

2. Y.Wang, J. Zhang, Y. Li*, J. Wu, W. Liu, Feng Mei*, Y. Hu*, L. Xiao, J. Ma*, C. Chin, S. Jia,
Observation of Interaction-Induced Mobility Edge in an Atomic Aubry-André Wire,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
129, 103401 (2022).
Selected as ‘Editors’ Suggestion’ and ‘Featured in Physics’.

3. W.Cai, J. Han, Feng Mei*, Y. Xu, Y. Ma, X. Li, Z.Xue, Z.Yin, Suotang. Jia, and Luyan Sun*,
Observation of Topological Magnon Insulator States in a Superconducting Circuit,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 080501 (2019).
Selected as ‘Editors’ Suggestion’ and ‘Featured in Physics’.

4. Feng Mei, Qihao Guo, Ya-Fei Yu, Liantuan Xiao, Shi-Liang Zhu and Suotang Jia,
Digital Simulation of Topological Matter on Programmable Quantum Processors,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
125, 160503 (2020).  

5. Y.Wang, Y.Lu, Feng Mei*, J. Gao, Z.Li, H. Tang, S. L. Zhu, Suotang Jia and Xian-Min Jin*,
Direct Observation of Topology from Single-Photon Dynamics,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 193903 (2019).

6. Y. Li, J.Zhang, Y.Wang, H. Du, J. Wu, W. Liu, Feng Mei*, Jie Ma*, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia,
Atom-optically synthetic gauge fields for a noninteracting Bose gas,
Light. Sci. & App. 11,13

7. Y. Wang, B. Xie, Y. Lu, …, H. Wang, J. Gao, X.Xu, Feng Mei*, S. Jia, M. Lu*, and X. Jin*,
Quantum superposition demonstrated higher-order topological bound states in the continuum,
Light. Sci. & App. 10,173


8. Yi Li, Jia-Hui Zhang, Feng Mei*, Biye Xie*, Ming-Hui Lu*, Jie Ma*, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia,
Large-chiral-number corner modes in Z-class higher-order topolectrical circuits,
Phys. Rev. Applied 20, 064042 (2023).

9. J. Jiang, J.Zhang, Feng Mei*, Zhonghua Ji*, Ying Hu, Jie Ma, Liantuan Xiao*, and Suotang Jia,
Topological phases of ultracold molecules in an optical tweezer ladder,
Physical Review A 106, 023318 (2022).

10. Jia-Hui Zhang, Bei-Bei Wang, Feng Mei*, Jie Ma, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia,
Topological optical Raman superlattices,
Physical Review A 105, 033310 (2022).

11. Yong-Heng Lu, Yao Wang, Feng Mei*, Y. Chang, Hang Zheng*, Suotang Jia, and Xian-Min Jin*,
Observing multifarious topological phase transitions with real-space indicator,
Nanophotonics, 11, 153

12. Bei-Bei Wang, Jia-Hui Zhang, Chuanjia Shan*, Feng Mei*, and Suotang Jia,
Topological nodal chains in optical lattices,
Physical Review A 103, 033316 (2021).

13. Bing Chen*, S. Li, X. Hou, F. Ge, F.Zhou, P. Qian, Feng Mei*, S. Jia, N. Xu and H. Shen*,
Digital quantum simulation of Floquet topological phases with a solid-state quantum simulator,
Photonics Research 9, 81 (2021).

14. Y. Lu, Y. Wang, Feng Mei*, Y. Chang, J. Gao, Hang Zheng*, Suotang Jia and Xianmin Jin*,
Real-space observation of topological invariants in 2D photonic systems,
Optics Express 28, 39492 (2020).

15. F.L. Gu, J. Liu, Feng Mei*, Suotang Jia, D.W. Zhang and Z.Y. Xue*,
Synthetic spin–orbit coupling and topological polaritons in JC lattices,
npj Quantum Information 5, 36 (2019).  

16. Feng Mei, G. Chen, N. Goldman, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia,
Topological magnon insulator and quantized pumps from strongly-interacting bosons,
New. J. Phys 21, 095002 (2019).

17. Z.T. Zhang*, Feng Mei*, X.G. Meng, B.L. Liang, and Z.S. Yang,
Effects of decoherence on diabatic errors in Majorana braiding,

Physical Review A 100, 012324 (2019).  

18. Feng Mei, G. Chen, L. Tian, S.L. Zhu, and Suotang Jia,
Topology-dependent quantum dynamics and entanglement-dependent topological pumping in superconducting qubit chains,
Physical Review A 98, 032323 (2018).

19. Feng Mei, G. Chen, L. Tian, S.L. Zhu, and Suotang Jia,
Robust quantum state transfer via topological edge states in superconducting qubit chains,
Physical Review A
98, 012331 (2018).

20. Feng Mei, Z.Y. Xue, D.W. Zhang, L. Tian, C.H. Lee, and S.L. Zhu,
Witnessing topological Weyl semimetal phase in a minimal circuit-QED lattice,
Quantum Science and Technology 1, 015006 (2016).

21. Feng Mei, J.B. You, W. Nie, F. Rosario, S.L. Zhu, and L.C. Kwek,
Simulation and detection of topological Chern insulator in one-dimensional circuit QED lattice,
Physical Review A (Rapid Communication) 92, 041805 (2015).

22. Feng Mei, D.W. Zhang, and S.L. Zhu,
Some topological states in one-dimensional cold atomic system,
Annals of Physics 358, 58 (2015).

23. Feng Mei, J.B. You, D.W. Zhang, X.C. Yang, R. Fazio, S.L. Zhu, and L.C. Kwek,
Topological insulator and particle pumping in a one-dimensional shaken optical lattice,
Physical Review A 90, 063638 (2014).

24. Feng Mei, D.W. Zhang, and S.L. Zhu,
Graphene-like physics in optical lattices,
Chinese Physics B 22, 116106 (2013).

25. Feng Mei, V.M. Stojanovi, I Siddiqi, and L Tian,
Analog superconducting quantum simulator for Holstein polarons,
Physical Review B 88, 224502 (2013).

26. Feng Mei, S.L. Zhu, Z.M. Zhang, C.H.Oh, and N. Goldman,
Simulating Z_2 topological insulators with cold atoms in one-dimensional optical lattice,
Physical Review A 85, 013638 (2012).

27. Feng Mei, S.L. Zhu, X.L. Feng, Z.M. Zhang, and C.H.Oh,
Probing half-odd topological number with cold atoms in non-Abelian optical lattice,
Physical Review A 84, 023622 (2011).

28. Feng Mei, Y.F.Yu, X.L. Feng, S.L. Zhu, and Z.M. Zhang,
Optical quantum computation with cavities in the intermediate coupling region,
Europhysics Letters 91, 10001 (2010).

29. Feng Mei, Y.F. Yu, X.L. Feng, Z.M. Zhang, and C.H.Oh,
Quantum entanglement distribution with hybrid parity gate,
Physical Review A 82, 052315 (2010).

             30. Feng Mei, M. Feng, Y.F. Yu, and Z.M. Zhang,
            Scalable quantum information processing with atomic ensembles and flying photons,
            Physical Review A 80, 042319 (2009).