Excitons and Biexciton Dynamics in Single CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots
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Interplay between optical pumping and Rydberg EIT in magnetic fields
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Attosecond Control of Restoration of Electronic Structure Symmetry
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Nuclear spin blockade of laser ignition of intramolecular rotation in the model boron rotor 11B13
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On the impossibility of localised states for molecular rotors with cyclic potentials
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Magnetization dynamics induced by the Rashba effect in ferromagnetic films
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Communication: Electronic flux induced by crossing the transition state
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Recent advances in quartz enhanced photoacoustic sensing
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Na2 Vibrating in the Double-Well Potential of State 2 1Σu+ (JM = 00): A Pulsating “Quantum Bubble” with Antagonistic Electronic Flux
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A dynamical process of optically trapped singlet ground state 85Rb133Cs molecules produced via short-range photoassociation
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A novel electrically controllable volatile memory device based on few-layer black phosphorus
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Laser-driven propulsion of multilayer graphene oxide flakes
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Microwave spectroscopy measurement of ultracold ground state molecules produced via short-range photoassociation
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Fast recognition of single quantum dots from high multi-exciton emission and clustering effects
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Cs 62DJ Rydberg-atom macrodimers formed by long-range multipole interaction
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Shot-noise-limited Doppler-broadened noise-immune cavity-enhanced optical heterodyne molecular spectrometry
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Detection of ultra-low oxygen concentration based on the fluorescence blinking dynamics of single molecules
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Nonadiabatic Coupling of Molecular States in Presence of Unobserved Perturbers: Modeling and Analysis
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h-BN/graphene van der Waals vertical heterostructure: a fully spin-polarized photocurrent generator
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Influence of dephasing and B/N doping on valley Seebeck effect in zigzag graphene nanoribbons
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Application of acoustic micro-resonators in quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy for trace gas analysis
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Excessive levitation for the efficient loading of large-volume optical dipole traps
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Accurate quantitative CF-LIBS analysis of both major and minor elements in alloys via iterative correction of plasma temperature and spectral intensity
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Vapor cell geometry effect on Rydberg atom-based microwave electric field measurement
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