
    The "quantum effect of the interaction between light and matter" discipline innovation and intelligence base of Shanxi university consists of 2 foreign academic masters and 22 academic backbone, while the domestic staff consists of 1 base director and 12 research backbone, a total of 37 people.

    These base foreign experts from the international well-known research institutions and the world's top 100 universities, including the institute of Optics, Italian Academy of Sciences (CNR-INO), University of Michigan, University of Maryland, Rice University, Durham University, St. Petersburg University, Free University of Berlin, Umea University, Politecnico di Bari. They are international authoritative experts and outstanding scholars in quantum optics, atomic and molecular physics and related disciplines, who forms two research teams. Research team 1 led by Augusto Smerzi,  director of CNR-INO, has a very important international influence on quantum simulation and precision measurement, while Research team 2 led by foreign academic master, Prof. Georg Albrecht Raithel, has made internationally leading research achievements in cold atoms and molecules and quantum spectroscopy. Prof. Augusto Smerzi is an internationally renowned expert in the field of optical physics, who has published 4 research papers on Science, 1 on Nature Physics., 1 on PNAS, 3 on Nature Communications and nearly 30 on Physics. Review Letters, with the total citations of 9688 and H-index of 42. He wrote 5 academic monographs such as "Atom Interferometry"; Foreign academic master Professor Georg Albrecht Raithel of the University of Michigan is an internationally renowned expert in the field of atomic and molecular physics research. His original potential well method to capture the Rydberg atomic promotes the rapid development of quantum computers, and he has published more than 100 papers on SCI journals such as Nature Communications and Physics Reviewer Letters. The best citations of a single paper is more than 200. Researcher Paolo De Natale, CNR-INO, has deep knowledge in experimental fields such as nonlinear optics, laser physics, atomic and molecular high-precision spectroscopy, frequency metrology, and infrared coherent light sources. He has published more than 340 high-level research papers, including 6 in the Nature series, 2 in Science, 1 in Science Advance, 2 in Laser & Photonics Reviews., 10 in Physical Review Letters and Physics Review X, with the total number of citations of more than 5,000 times, and the H-index of 40. He has 8 international invention patents and presided over 8 academic monographs. Professor Simon L. Cornish of Durham University, UK, published a paper in Physical Review Letters, which was cited 101 times and was rated as highly cited papers and hot papers by Web of Science. He was twice invited by the American Physical Society's Physics magazine to write highlights article of Physical Review Letters. Professor Luis Santos of Leibniz University in Hannover, Germany is an internationally renowned expert in quantum simulation based on supercooled quantum gas. He has published more than 50 papers in the top physics journal Physical Review Letters, which were cited more than 5,000 times; Professor Xuyuan Chen of University of Southeastern Norway is a nationalThousand Talents Programscholar. He is an internationally renowned expert in laser display and quantum functional devices. He has published more than 200 papers, and the highest number of citations of a single article is 78. Professor Frank Klaus Tittel of Rice University in the United States is a world-class scientist in the field of laser and optical sensing. He has published more than 900 academic papers with a total citation of more than 24,000.

     The base domestic research team comes from the State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Quantum Devices and the Institute of Laser Spectroscopy of Shanxi University, including Professor Suotang Jia who is the leader of the discipline, Professor Liantuan Xiao who is the director of the Institute, and Professor Shiyao Zhu, who is academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The team is the innovation group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the innovation team of the Ministry of Education. The members of the base include academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Thousand Talents Program of the Central Group, the Chief Scientist of 973, Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor, Excellent Talents of the Ministry of Education in the New Century, the New Century Excellent Talents of the Ministry of Education, the National Fund Outstanding Youth Fund, The Youth Thousand Program of the Ministry of the Central Group, etc. It has formed four stable research directions, namely, precise measurement, cold atomic and molecular physics, quantum simulation, and quantum spectrum. The base established high-level experimental platforms, undertaking a number of national major/key research plans, and obtaining a series of high-level research results. The director of the base, Professor Suotang Jia, in 2012, undertook the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) Manipulation and Application of Light and Ultracold Atomic Molecular Quantum State in Confined Spaces (Project No. 2012CB921600); Professor Liantuan Xiao, as the project leader, presided over the national key research and development plan Quantum Simulation Based on Ultra-cold Quantum Gas in Optical Lattice (project number: 2017YFA0304200). The Institute hosted a total of 73 national-level projects, including National Basic Research Program, National 863 Program, Ministry of Science and Technology International Science and Technology Cooperation and Exchange Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China. And more than 520 papers have published in internationally academic journals such as Nature Communications and Physical Review Letters, and 55 national invention patents were approved.


   本基地国外人员来自意大利科学院光学研究所以及美国密歇根大学、马里兰大学、莱斯大学、英国杜伦大学、俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学、德国柏林自由大学、瑞典于默奥大学、意大利巴里理工大学等国际著名研究机构和世界排名前100 的大学,他们都是量子光学、原子分子物理及相关学科的国际权威专家和杰出学者,构成两个科研团队。其中国外学术大师意大利科学院光学研究所(INO-CNR)主任研究员Augusto Smerzi为首的科研团队在量子模拟与精密测量等方面具有十分重要的国际影响,国外学术大师Georg Albrecht Raithel教授为首的科研团队在冷原子分子与量子光谱方面取得了国际领先的研究成果。国外学术大师意大利科学院光学研究所Augusto Smerzi主任研究员是光物理研究领域的国际著名专家,在超冷原子气体精密测量方面发表了Science论文4篇, Nat. Phys. 1篇,PNAS 1篇, Nat. Commun. 3篇,Phys. Rev. Lett. 30篇,总引用9688次,H-index42,著有《Atom Interferometry》等5部学术专著;国外学术大师美国密歇根大学的Georg Albrecht Raithel教授是原子分子物理研究领域的国际著名专家,其独创的俘获里德堡原子势阱的方法促进了量子计算机的快速发展,在Nat. Commun.Phys. Rev. Lett.SCI收录期刊发表论文100余篇,单篇论文最高他引200余次。意大利科学院光学研究所Paolo De Natale主任研究员在非线性光学、激光物理学、原子和分子高精度光谱学、频率计量学以及红外相干光源等实验领域有着很深的造诣,发表了340多篇高水平学术论文,其中Nature系列6篇,Science 2篇,Sci. Adv. 1篇,Laser Photon. Rev. 2篇,Phys. Rev. Lett.Phys. Rev. X 10篇,总引用次数5000余次,H-index40,拥有8项国际发明专利,主持编写了8部学术专著;英国杜伦大学的Simon L. Cornish教授在相干制备超冷铷铯极性分子最低振转超精细态方面的论文发表在Phys. Rev. Lett.,他引101次,被Web of Science评为高引论文和热点论文,并两次接受美国物理学会旗下Physics杂志的邀请撰写Phys. Rev. Lett. 亮点评论文章;德国汉诺威莱布尼兹大学Luis Santos教授是基于光晶格超冷量子气体从事量子模拟的国际著名专家,已经在物理学顶级期刊Phys. Rev. Lett.上发表论文50余篇,所发表的论文被他人引用5000余次;挪威东南大学学院的Xuyuan Chen教授是国家**学者,是激光显示和量子功能器件等方面的国际知名专家,共发表论文200余篇,其中单篇最高引用次数78次;美国莱斯大学Frank Klaus Tittel教授是激光、光学传感领域的国际一流科学家,共发表学术论文900余篇,总引用次数24000余次。

   基地国内研究团队来自量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室、山西大学激光光谱研究所,包括学科带头人贾锁堂教授、研究所所长肖连团教授、特聘教授朱时尧院士等。该团队是国家自然科学基金委创新群体与教育部创新团队,基地成员拥有中科院院士、中组部**、973首席科学家、教育部**特聘教授、教育部新世纪优秀人才、国家基金优秀青年基金获得者、中组部青年**等,形成了四个稳定的研究方向,即精密测量、冷原子分子物理、量子模拟、量子光谱,建立了高水平的实验平台,承担多项国家重大/重点研究计划,取得了一系列高水平的研究成果。包括,基地主任贾锁堂教授在2012年作为项目负责人主持承担了国家重大研究计划(973计划)受限空间中光与超冷原子分子量子态的调控及其应用(项目编号:2012CB921600);肖连团教授作为项目负责人于2017年主持承担了国家重点研发计划基于光晶格超冷量子气体的量子模拟(项目编号:2017YFA0304200)。研究所主持承担国家重大研究计划项目与课题、国家重点研发计划项目及课题、国家863计划课题、科技部国际科技合作与交流专项、国家重大基础研究计划前期研究专项、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目等国家级项目共73项,省部级项目55项,横向项目7项。在Nat. Commun.Phys. Rev. Lett. 等国际重要学术刊物上发表论文520余篇,获国家授权发明专利55项。获山西省科学技术奖自然科学类一等奖2项,山西省科学技术奖技术发明类一等奖1项,山西省科技进步奖二等奖2项,山西省科学技术奖自然科学类二等奖1项,获国家质量监督检验检疫总局“科技兴检奖”1项。