
ZHAO Jianming

Job Title: Professor

School/Institute:State Key Lab of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices, Institute of Laser Spectroscopy, Shanxi University, Taiyuan


Tel: +86-03517011645


ZHAO Jianming is a professor and doctoral advisor at State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices, Institute of Laser Spectroscopy, Shanxi University. She has focused on the field including quantum optics, nonliear optics and atomic and molecular physics, specialy in Rydberg atomic and molecular physics. She has proposed and head the 8 projects, including national natural science fundation of China and State key program of national natural science foundation of China and the project of Shanxi province. She won the natural science award of Shanxi province in 2015. In the recent five years, she has published 38 SCI-cited papers.


[1] 2000.09 to 2003.07

Shanxi University, State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices, optics, Doctoral degree.

[2] 1992.09 to 1995.07

Shanxi University, the department of physcis, optics, master degree.

[3] 1985.09 to 1989.07

Shanxi normal University, the department of physcis, physics, Bachelor of Physics.

Research Area:

[1] Rydberg atomic and molecular physics.

[2] Rydberg based quantum inforamtion and measurement.

[3] Quantum conherence and application.


[3] 2011.11-Now: Institute of Laser Spectroscopy, Shanxi University, Professor

[2] 2003.12-2011.11: Institute of Laser Spectroscopy, Shanxi University, Associate Professor

[1] 1995.07-2003.07: Institute of Laser Spectroscopy, Shanxi University, Teacher Assistant/ Lecturer

Grants and Projects:

[5] The state key project of The National Natural Science Foundation of China for cooperation: “Precise spectroscopy measurement and quantum coherent manipulation of ultracold Rydberg molecules”, Grant No. 120101004, 2022/01-2026/12.

[4] The state key project of The National Natural Science Foundation of China, Quantum precise measurement based on ultracold Rydberg atom, Grant No. 61835007,, 2019/01-2023/12.

[3] The National Natural Science Foundation of China, Quantum correlation between Rydberg atoms”, Grant No. 61775124, 2018/01-2021/12.

[2] The National Natural Science Foundation of China, Quantum coherence effect of ultracold Rydberg atoms”, Grant No. 61475090, 2015/01-2018/12.

[1] The National Natural Science Foundation of China, preparation and manipulation of ultracold Rydberg molecules”, Grant No. 11274209, 2013/01-2016/12.

Selective Publications

[10] Meng Shi, Yuechun Jiao, and Jianming Zhao, “Pole analysis of EIT-AT spectrum with Rydberg atoms” Optics Express, 29, 37253 (2021)

[9] Yongmei Xue, Yuechun Jiao, Liping Hao, and Jianming Zhao, “Microwave two-photon spectroscopy of cesium Rydberg atoms” Optics Express, 29, 43827 (2021)

[8] Liping Hao, Zhengyang Bai, Jingxu Bai, Suying Bai, Yuechun Jiao Guoxiang Huang, Jianming Zhao, Weibin Li and Suotang Jia, “Observation of blackbody radiation enhanced superradiance in ultracold Rydberg gases” New J. Phys., 23, 083017 (2021)

[7] Suying Bai, Xiaoxuan Han, Jingxu Bai, Yuechun Jiao, Jianming Zhao, Suotang Jia, and Georg Raithel, “Cesium nDJ + 6S1/2 Rydberg molecules and their permanent electric dipole moments” Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 033525 (2020)

[6] Jingxu Bai, Suying Bai, Xiaoxuan Han, Yuechun Jiao, Jianming Zhao, and Suotang Jia, “Precise measurements of polarizabilities of cesium nS Rydberg states in an ultra-cold atomic ensemble” New J. Phys. 22, 093032 (2020).

[5] Suying Bai, Xuedong Tian, Xiaoxuan Han, Yuechun Jiao, Jinhui Wu, Jianming Zhao and Suotang Jia, “Distinct antiblockade features of strongly interacting Rydberg atoms under a two-color weak excitation scheme”, New J. Phys. 22, 013004 (2020).

[4] Yongmei Xue, Liping Hao, Yuechun Jiao, Xiaoxuan Han, Suying Bai, Jianming Zhao, and Georg Raithel, “Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency in a large Hilbert space” Phys. Rew. A 99, 053426 (2019).

[3] Xiaoxuan Han, Suying Bai, Yuechun Jiao, Liping Hao, Yongmei Xue, Jianming Zhao, Suotang Jia, Georg Raithel “Cs 62DJ Rydberg-atom macrodimers formed by long-range multipole interaction”, Phys. Rev. A, 97, 031403(R) (2018)

[2]Yuechun Jiao, Liping Hao, Xiaoxuan Han, Suying Bai, Georg Raithel, Jianming Zhao, and Suotang Jia, “Atom-based radio-frequency field calibration and polarization measurement using cesium nDJ Floquet states”, Phys. Rev. Applied, 8, 014028 (2017)

[1] Liping Hao, Yuechun Jiao, Yongmei Xue, Xiaoxuan Han, Suying Bai, Jianming Zhao and Georg Raithel, “Transition from electromagnetically induced transparency to Autler–Townes splitting in cold cesium atoms”, New J. Phys. 20, 073024 (2018)