
YANG Yonggang

Job TitleProfessor

School/Institute: State Key Lab of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices, Institute of Laser Spectroscopy, Shanxi University, Taiyuan


YANG Yonggang is a professor of the Institute of Laser Spectroscopy of Shanxi University. He received his PhD in theoretical chemistry in 2008 from the Free University of Berlin. Then he was a postdoctoral fellow in theoretical chemistry in the University of Basel. He became an associate professor of Shanxi University in 2010 and a full professor in 2017. His research interests include the theory of laser-induced ultrafast electronic and nuclear dynamics in molecules, hydrogen bonding and proton transfer, and vibrational spectra of small molecules via multi-dimensional quantum simulations. He has been selected as a fellow of the Hundred-Talent Program of Shanxi Province and a young talent of "SanJin Talents" Support Program.


[1] 2005.07 - 2008.12

Free University of Berlin, Theoretical Chemistry, PhD.

[2] 2002.09 - 2005.07

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Physics, MSc

[3] 1998.09 - 2002.07

Beijing Normal University, Physical, BS

Research Area:

[1] Laser induced ultrafast charge migration in molecules

[2] Vibrational spectra of small molecules via multi-dimensional quantum simulations

[3] Multi-dimensional quantum dynamics of hydrogen-bonded systems


[3] 2017.12-Now: Institute of Laser Spectroscopy, Shanxi University, Professor

[2] 2010.11-2017.11: Institute of Laser Spectroscopy, Shanxi University, Associate Professor

[1] 2009.12-2010.11: Institute of Laser Spectroscopy, Shanxi University, Lecturer

Grants and Projects:

[4] The National Natural Science Foundation of China : “Investigation of the mechanism of attosecond charge migration manipulated by femtosecond laser pulses and its application to HCCX

molecules”, Grant No. 12374267, 2024/01-2027/12.

[3] Fellow of the Hundred-Talent Program of Shanxi Province, 2014/07-2017/07.

[2] The Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province: “Research on quantum control of ultracold polar molecules in external fields based on ab initio calculations”, Grant No. 2014021004, 2014/01-2016/12.

[1] The National Natural Science Foundation of China for Young Scholar: “Investigations of the properties and manipulations of ultracold polar molecules in external fields based on ab initio calculations”, Grant No. 11004125, 2011/01-2013/12.


60. From chiral laser pulses to femto- and attosecond electronic chirality flips in achiral molecules

Yunjiao Chen, Dietrich Haase, Jörn Manz*, Huihui Wang*, and Yonggang Yang*

Nat. Commun. 15, 565 (2024)

59. Ultrafast charge migration in ionized iodo-alkyne chain I(CC)nH+

Yuan Meng, Huihui Wang*, Yichi Zhang, and Yonggang Yang*

AIP Advances 13, 045301 (2023)

58. Ultrafast laser induced charge migration with de- and re-coherences in polyatomic molecules: A general method with application to pyrene

HuiMin Ma, Jörn Manz, HuiHui Wang*, YiJing Yan, and Yonggang Yang*

J. Chem. Phys. 158, 124306 (2023)

57. 苯乙腈的单色共振增强双光子电离光谱及其Franck-Condon模拟


物理学报,72, 133301,(2023)

56. Quantum Engineering of Helical Charge Migration in HCCI

ChunMei Liu, Jörn Manz*, Huihui Wang, and Yonggang Yang*

Chinese Physics Letters 39, 123402 (2022)

55. Nuclear versus electronic ring currents in oriented torsional molecules induced by magnetic fields. I. Nuclear currents of toluene

Dongming Jia, Maria Dimitrova, Yuan Man, Dage Sundholm*, and Yonggang Yang*

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 106, 042801 (2022)

54. Spreading probability distribution and increase of entropy due to coherent quantum dynamics: Proof-of-principle for a model molecular boron rotor

Hongjuan Yang, Yuan Man, Huihui Wang, Yonggang Yang*

Chemical Physics 562, 111659 (2022)

53. Systematic Investigation of the Reliability of the Frozen Nuclei Approximation for Short-Pulse Excitation: The Example of HCCI+

Dongming Jia and Yonggang Yang*

Front. Chem. 10:857348 (2022)

52. 邻羟基苯腈的双色共振增强多光子电离光谱及Franck-Condon模拟

李娜, 李淑贤, 王林, 王慧慧, 杨勇刚, 赵建明, 李昌勇*

物理学报,71, 023301 (2022)

51. Coherent Interference Fringes of Two-Photon Photoluminescence in Individual Au Nanoparticles: The Critical Role of the Intermediate State

Yao Li, Yonggang Yang, Chengbing Qin*, Yunrui Song, Shuangping Han, Guofeng Zhang, Ruiyun Chen, Jianyong Hu, Liantuan Xiao*, and Suotang Jia

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127, 073902 (2021)

50. Efficient, Stable, and Photoluminescence Intermittency-Free CdSeBased Quantum Dots in the Full-Color Range

Changgang Yang, Ruilin Xiao, Sirong Zhou, Yonggang Yang, Guofeng Zhang,* Bin Li, Wenli Guo, Xue Han, Danhong Wang, Xiuqing Bai, Jialu Li, Ruiyun Chen, Chengbing Qin, Jianyong Hu, Liheng Feng, Liantuan Xiao,* and Suotang Jia

ACS Photonics 8, 25382547 (2021)

49. The unified quantum mechanical structure of tubular molecular rotors with multiple equivalent global minimum structures: the 18*C2h - D9d case of La-[B2@B18]-La

Xiao-Qin Lu, Yuan Man, Vincent Ruß, Yonghong Xu, Yonggang Yang* and Si-Dian Li*

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 19146 (2021)

48. Vibrational band-structures caused by internal rotations of the boron Wankel rotor B11-

Yonghong Xu, Huihui Wang, Yonggang Yang,* Changyong Li, Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia

RSC Adv. 11, 3613 (2021)

47. Resonance enhanced two-photon ionization and mass analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy of 4-ethylanisole

Jiayu Hao, Chunyang Duan, Yonggang Yang, Changyong Li, Suotang Jia

Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 369, 111258 (2020)

46. Timing the recoherences of attosecond electronic charge migration by quantum control of femtosecond nuclear dynamics: A case study for HCCI+

Dongming Jia, Jörn Manz, Yonggang Yang*

The Journal of Chemical Physics, (2019) 151, 244306. (Featured article)

45. Rotamers of p isopropylphenol studied by hole-burning resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization and mass analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy

Yan Zhao, Yinghui Jin, Jiayu Hao, Yonggang Yang, Lirong Wang, Changyong Li, Suotang Jia

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 207, 328-336 (2019)

44. De- and recoherence of charge migration in ionized iodoacetylene

Dongming Jia, Jörn Manz, Yonggang Yang*

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10, 4273-4277 (2019)

43. From coherent quasi-irreversible quantum dynamics towards the second law of thermodynamics:The model boron rotor B13+

Dongming Jia, Jörn Manz, Yonggang Yang*

AIP Advances 8, 045222 (2018)

42. Nuclear spin blockade of laser ignition of intramolecular rotation in the model boron rotor B13+

Thomas Grohmann, Dietrich Haase, Dongming Jia, Jörn Manz, Yonggang Yang

The Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 184302 (2018)

41. Communication: Electronic flux induced by crossing the transition state

Dongming Jia, Jörn Manz, Yonggang Yang*

The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 041101 (2018)

40. Two-color resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization and mass analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy of 2-aminobenzonitrile and the CN substitution effect

Yinghui Jin, Yan Zhao, Jiayu Hao, Yonggang Yang, Changyong Li, Suotang Jia

Chemical Physics Letters 692, 395-401 (2018)

39Resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization and mass analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy of 4-fluorobenzonitrile

Yan Zhao, Yinghui Jin, Jiayu Hao, Yonggang Yang, Changyong Li, Suotang Jia

Chemical Physics Letters 711, 127-131 (2018)

38Na2 vibrating in the double-well potential of state 2 1Σ+ (JM = 00): A pulsating“Quantum Bubble”with antagonistic electronic flux

Dennis J. Diestler, Dongming Jia, Jörn Manz, Yonggang Yang*

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122, 2150-2159 (2018)



物理学报,66,093301 (2017)

36Towards Accurate Quantum Simulations of Large Systems with Small Computers

Yonggang Yang*

Sci. Rep. 7, 41263, (2017)

35A universal mechanism of the planar boron rotors B11+, B13+, B15+, and B19+: inner wheelsrotating in pseudo-rotating outer bearings

Yonggang Yang*, Dongming Jia, Ying-Jin Wang, Hua-Jin Zhai*, Yuan Man and Si-Dian Li*

Nanoscale 9, 1443 (2017)

34Quantum control of electronic fluxes during adiabatic attosecond charge migration in degenerate superposition states of benzene

Dongming Jia, Jörn Manz, Beate Paulus, Vincent Pohl, Jean Christophe Tremblay, Yonggang Yang*

Chem. Phys. 482, 146 (2017)

33Generation of electronic flux during the femtosecond laser pulse tailored to induce adiabatic attosecond charge migration in HCCI+

Dongming Jia, Jörn Manz and Yonggang Yang*

J. Mod. Opt. 64, 960 (2016)

32Reconstruction of the electronic flux during adiabatic attosecond charge migration in HCCI+

Hao Ding, Dongming Jia, Jörn Manz and Yonggang Yang*

Mol. Phys. 115, 1813 (2017)

31. An Effcient Method for Electron-Atom Scattering Using Ab-initio Calculations

Yuan Xu, Yonggang Yang*,Liantuan Xiao and Suotang Jia

J. Korean. Phys. Soc. 70, pp365-368 (2017)

30. Using experimental measurements of three-level avoided crossings to determine the quantum defect for the Stark map of highly excited cesium Rydberg atoms

Limei Wang, Changyong Li, Hao Zhang, Linjie Zhang, Yonggang Yang, Yuan Man, Jianming Zhao,* and Suotang Jia

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 93, 033416 (2016)

29. Staircase patterns of nuclear fluxes during coherent tunneling in excited doublets of symmetric double well potentials

Chunmei Liu, Jörn Manz, and Yonggang Yang*

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 5048, (2016)

28. Laser Sculpting of Atomic sp, sp2, and sp3 Hybrid Orbitals

Chunmei Liu, Jörn Manz, and Yonggang Yang*

Chemphyschem 16, 191, (2015)

27. Nuclear fluxes during coherent tunnelling in asymmetric double well potentials

Chunmei Liu, Jörn Manz, and Yonggang Yang*

Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 48, 164001, (2015)

26. Quantum theory of concerted electronic and nuclear fluxes associated with adiabatic intramolecular processes

T. Bredtmann, D. Diestler, S.-D. Li, J. Manz, J. F. Perez-Torres, W.-J. Tian, Y.-B. Wu, Y. Yang, H.-J. Zhai

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 29421, (2015)

25. Photoionization spectrum of 85RbCs molecules produced by short range photoassociation

Zhonghua Ji, Jinpeng Yuan, Yonggang Yang, Yanting Zhao, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 166, 36, (2015)

24. Ultralong-Range Rydberg Cs 2 Molecules Investigated at the Ab Initio Level of Theory

Ting Ji, Xiaomeng Liu, Yonggang Yang, and Jianming Zhao

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 84, 084301, (2015)

23. Dipolar Rydberg-atom gas prepared by adiabatic passage through an avoided crossing

L. Wang, H. Zhang, L. Zhang, C. Li, Y. Yang, J. Zhao, G. Raithel, and S. Jia

New J Phys. 17, 063011, (2015)

22. Maximum tunneling velocities in symmetric double well potentials

Jörn Manz, Axel Schild, Burkhard Schmidt, and Yonggang Yang*

Chem. Phys. 442, 9, (2014)

21. Vibrating H2+ ( 2Σg+ , JM = 00) Ion as a Pulsating Quantum Bubble in the Laboratory Frame

Jörn Manz, Jhon Freddy Perez-Torres, and Yonggang Yang*

J. Phys. Chem. A 118, 8411, (2014)

20. A Full Dimensional Investigation of Infrared Spectroscopy of the RbCs Dimer Using the Multi-configuration Time-dependent Hartree Method

H. Wang, Y. Yang*, L. Xiao, and S. Jia

J. Chem. Phys.139, 244309, (2013)

19. Nuclear Fluxes in Diatomic Molecules Deduced from Pump-Probe Spectra with Spatiotemporal Resolutions down to 5 pm and 200 asec

Jörn Manz, Jhon Freddy Perez-Torres, and Yonggang Yang

Phys. Rev. Lett.111, 153004, (2013)

18. An Efficient Method to Study Highly Excited States at the ab initio Level and Application to Ultralong Rydberg CsNe Molecules

X. Liu, Y. Yang*, J. Zhao, L. Xiao, and S. Jia

J. Chem. Phys.139, 054302, (2013)

17. Path Integral Approach to the Calculation of Reaction Rates for a Reaction Coordinate Coupled to a Dual Harmonic Bath

Y. Yang, O. Kühn

Int. J Quantum Chem. 113, 306, (2013)

Link: arXiv:1111.3007

16. Line Shape Analysis of Ultracold Heteronuclear Molecular Photoassociation Spectroscopy by Resonance-Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization

P. Yuan, Z. Ji, Y. Zhao, Y. Yang, Y. Yang, L. Xiao, and S. Jia

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 084301, (2013)

15. Photoassociation of ultracold RbCs molecules into the (2)0(-) state (nu=189, 190) below the 5S(1/2)+6P(1/2) dissociation limit

X. Chang, Z. Ji, P. Yuan, Y. Zhao, Y. Yang, L. Xiao, and S. Jia

Chin. Phys. B22, 093701, (2013)

14. Harmonic Bath Averaged Hamiltonian: An efficient Tool To Capture Quantum Effects of Large Systems

Y. Yang*, X. Liu, M. Meuwly, L. Xiao, and S. Jia

J. Phys. Chem. A 116, 11134, (2012)

13. Measurements of Relative Transition Oscillator Strengths of Rydberg States in Cesium Magneto-Optical Trap

L. Wang, X. Liu, H. Zhang, J. Che, Y. Yang, J. Zhao, and S. Jia

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 104302, (2012)

12. Rovibrational Dynamics of RbCs on its Lowest 1,3Σ+ Potential Curves Calculated by Coupled Cluster Method with All-Electron Basis Set

Y. Yang*, X. Liu, Y. Zhao, L. Xiao, and S. Jia

J. Phys. Chem. A 116, 11101, (2012)

11. Photoassociative formation of ultracold RbCs molecules in the (2)3Pi state

Z. Ji; H. Zhang, J. Wu, J. Yuan, Y. Yang, Y. Zhao, J. Ma, L. Wang, L. Xiao, S. Jia

Phys. Rev. A 85, 013401 (2012)

10. H/D isotope effects on the geometry and infrared spectrum of the protonated ammonia dimer

Y. Yang, O. Kühn

Chem. Phys. Lett. 505, 1 (2011)

9. Water-assisted Proton Transfer in Ferredoxin I

S. Lutz, I. Tubert-Brohman, Y. Yang and M. Meuwly

J. Biol. Chem. 286, 23679 (2011)

8. A Generalized Reactive Force Field for Nonlinear Hydrogen Bonds: Hydrogen Dynamics and Transfer in Malonaldehyde

Y. Yang, M. Meuwly

J. Chem. Phys. 133, 064503 (2010)

7. Qubit-induced high-order nonlinear interaction of the polar molecules in a stripline cavity

G. Chen, H. Zhang, Y. Yang, R. Wang, L. Xiao, S. Jia

Phys. Rev. A 82, 013601 (2010)

6. Vibrational Signatures of Hydrogen Bonding in the Protonated Ammonia Clusters NH4+(NH3)1-4

Y. Yang, O. Kühn, G. Santambrogio, D.J. Goebbert, K. R. Asmis

J. Chem. Phys. 129, 224302 (2008)

5. A Concise Method for Kinetic Energy Quantization

Y. Yang, O. Kühn

Mol. Phys. 106, 2445 (2008)

Link: arXiv:0810.2654v1

4. A Full-Dimensional Quantum Dynamical Study of the Vibrational Ground State of H3O2- and its Isotopomers

Y. Yang, O. Kühn

Z. Phys. Chem. 222, 1375 (2008)

Link: arXiv:0806.4913

3. Gas-Phase Infrared Spectroscopy and Multidimensional Quantum Calculations of the Protonated Ammonia Dimer N2H7+

K. R. Asmis, Y. Yang, G. Santambrogio, M. Brümmer, J. Roscioli, L. R. McCunn, M. A. Johnson, O. Kühn

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 46, 8691 (2007)

2. Quantum Master-Equation Approach to Quantum Transport through Mesoscopic Systems

X.-Q. Li, J. Luo, Y. Yang, P. Cui, Y. Yan

Phys. Rev. B 71, 205304 (2005)

1. Kinetic Study for Hopping Conduction through DNA Molecules

Y. Yang, P. Yin, X.-Q. Li, Y. Yan

Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 203901 (2005)

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